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Hillary's remarks shouldn't have surprised longtime Clinton watchers. |
Today, not one but two friends of mine, independently of one another and unprompted by me (I smell a conspiracy), informed me of easily the most important news of the 2016 campaign so far, so important that it forces me (ostensibly) to break my blog's self-imposed prohibition on political posts: Hillary Clinton wants to know the truth about Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs). As originally reported on December 30, 2015, by Daymond Steer in New Hampshire's Conway Daily Sun:
Democratic presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton gave UFO enthusiasts a reason to cheer at the close of her recent editorial board meeting with the Conway Daily Sun.Read the whole story to see Clinton speculate that "we may have been visited already... We don't know for sure," credit former Bill Clinton White House chief of staff and current Hillary Clinton presidential campaign chairman John Podesta for maintaining her interest in UFOs, and promise to send a "task force" to Area 51 if elected president.
During the meeting, the former first lady, former senator from New York and secretary of state answered serious questions about foreign policy and the economy, and at the end, she chatted with this reporter, who had asked her about UFOs in 2007 while working for the Cabinet Press in Milford, NH. She recalled that 2007 exchange with a smile and seemed to have fun discussing the topic.
"Yes, I'm going to get to the bottom of it," said Clinton with enthusiasm.
As I stated above, I promised not to get political with this blog*. But as someone with a lifelong interest in and fascination with extraterrestrials and UFOs**, I couldn't help myself. Besides, the question of whether we are alone in the universe clearly transcends the political.
Still, since Hillary Clinton is a political figure, one must inevitably comment on the political implications of this announcement. It is definitely smart politics. The numbers vary widely, but surveys that I spent way more than three seconds looking up suggest that anywhere from one-third to one-half of Americans believe in UFOs***. If Clinton can lock up the UFO-enthusiast vote, it could definitely put her over the top in Iowa and New Hampshire in the Democratic presidential primary contest against Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders (and Martin O'Malley too, I guess), and likely help her in the general election as well. It also could help lessen the stigma of "crazy" that tends to attach to those who seek the truth about UFOs.
Yet the UFO enthusiast in me also wishes that Clinton had stayed quiet. For now that she, a major public figure with significant power and influence even outside the White House, has revealed her interest in extraterrestrial phenomena, one must inevitably wonder if even this revelation is part of the UFO cover-up.
How could this be? Simple. The powers-that-be (probably aliens), having decided already that Clinton will not be the next president (charitably assuming, of course, that she is not an alien herself), could have forced her to admit (or otherwise contrived to have her admit without seeming to have been forced) publicly to a fascination with UFOs, one's interest in which usually gets one branded some shade of crazy, to guarantee that she will lose. Or, if the public perception of interest in UFOs has become more positive, then these same powers-that-be (again, probably aliens) could be trying to use this to their advantage to guarantee that a presidential candidate they ultimately control will win. Neither possibility bodes well for truth-seekers.
But maybe Clinton is trying to out-fleece our reptilian overlords. Maybe she is not only genuinely and independently in favor of revealing the truth about UFOs, but also confident that she would have the backing of the American people in doing so. Maybe she thinks it's time we Americans not only learned the truth about who controls our politics (reptilian humanoids, obviously), but also that we do something about it.
Or maybe that's just what they want you to think...
*This post is a good example of the extent to which my blog will ever be "political." But for future reference, my blogposts represent only my views, and not those of my employer, the American Enterprise Institute.
**Whether I actually believe that aliens are real and have visited Earth is a different story.
***This terminology has always bothered me. Of course "UFOs" are real; every day, objects appear in the sky that people can't at first identify. The real question is whether these objects are extraterrestrial in nature.
And now, for the Republican side of the story: http://www.inquisitr.com/2383488/ufo-follows-donald-trumps-helicopter-in-iowa-evidence-grey-aliens-have-endorsed-trump-for-president-ufologist-says/